Breaker breaker, weekend gig report
Get it? we played at "Breakers'? it's a pun, it's..oh. Right. Well, that's what happens when you're locked in a van with Rosie for a few hours. Save me from more puns.
Howdy folks, it was a Sunday gig for us and a rainy one at that. The van swayed mercilessly in the wind as we made our way to Terrigal (Wamberal?) for our first gig at the Breakers.
My trusty GPS carked it, and shock horror, we almost had to 'navigate'. Fortunately, both Rosie and I had smart phones so we cheated. Theo dismisses the GPS units as imprecise, preferring to rely on his enlarged Hippocampus for routing details, however I would be lost without mine.
No pun intended.
Usually the Sunday gig is outside, but for obvious weather reasons, we were billeted in the commissary. I mean, we setup in the lounge area, walled in with glass, in a Bass Frequency Amplifying Corner. Uh oh.
This did not bode well. No worries though I bet the crowd are ready to rock.
Perhaps we'll start with the slower stuff :-) Which we did!
It was Awesome! Our recent series of 'Cellar Sessions have set us up for just such an event
Here's a moment from a classic Australian cultural event, the Meat Raffle.
They go the whole cow at Breakers..
And what else do you need to go with your Cow?
An equivalent serving of Chips
Ye gods.
Shout outs to Yvonne, Daphne (Happy 84th Birthday darlin'), Colin, Steve (stay away from the edge dude) and all the folks who spent the afternoon with us.
The Sunday Blues Jam was on straight afterwards, downstairs, and by that time the sun had come out.
We were all smiles on the way home, including further bad puns.
I'd write more but I just realised we have a radio thing to get to. Back later :-)