Muu-umm...Stormcellar's setup a drum kit in the kitchen again and there's a guitarist in my bedroom.
There's a drumkit in the kitchen? What could it be? Yes, you guessed correctly, we're recording again (give yourself a point).
Here's Theo, I caught one THIIIIIIS BIIIIG! Theo earned a new nickname today, he shall from this day henceforth be known as The Last Word. No further explanation shall be provided. Amen.
Continuing our love of exotic locations, we visited amazingly exotic...interesting...deepest..... darkest.......err.....umm.......Stanmore
Right!. We're officially the first band to record at the brand new House Of Hits (mark 2) studio where the amazing John Mc used us for fiendish experiments, finding out how to tweak his new environment and we were willing test subjects.
John is a Dude of Sound (blessed be he that abideth as the Dude, for he shall receive no gutterballs).
For todays studio test much work was done to get the environment ready and see how well the studio handled exterior noise and to make sure all the bits and pieces were working.
Rosie, Mr Wizard and Redline were already in business when I got there today, they had already been at it for a while, getting tones and running cables. I arrived whilst they were jamming to test the monitor headphones.
I think I've gone a bit Birdy Num Nums.
Hurrah, all was well! No tape slough, no unexpected glitchs, everything functioning smoothly.
From there it was onto laying down the guitar, slide, bass and drum with a guide vocal.
John removed the guide in order to review the instrument channel recordings.
By Midday, things were swimming along nicely and we had the pleasure of Ms Jo F's company to sing with us today, accompanied by 'Card' Fitzgerald (go you good thing! gold for Australia! Gold for Cumnock!).
Borrowing from our recent experiences with The Sydney Harmony, we tried some harmony arrangements at the end, and yes folks, it's still hard back to class!.
By the end of the day however, harp, slide, harmonies, you name it, done and dusted.