Ze drums, man, ze drums!
Ze drums, man, ze drums!
I have a bit of a confession to make: I am a frustrated drummer. If I could have, I would have been a drummer. I gets excited by tasty drumming. Theo and I have had many conversations raving on about our favourite drummers, drum solos, and songs with great drumming in them.
The other night I was over at Mr Wizard’s for a dose of spaghetti Bolognese followed by a desert of guitar noodling. After we were done working on ideas for the next album we retired to the listening room for a session of “hey check this out … have you heard this live version of … ohh the tone!”. In amongst the Yardbirds, The Allman Brothers, BB King, Rolling Stones we stopped at Muddy Waters. Specifically “Mannish Boy” from the Hard Again album; which brings me to the sound of the bass drum in this recording.
We have all heard many examples of recordings of bass drums. All the time. From the ‘thud’ of a rock bass drum, to the ‘bomm’ of a jazz bass drum. But this was something else. There was just so much detail in the recorded sound. A reliable source tells me that the recording took place in a school class room. No fills. Nothing fancy at all. But executed almost the same every single time. The sound was detailed and the playing was utterly hypnotic.
Oh and yes there was Muddy’s singing as well.
Muddy Waters “Mannish Boy” Hard Again