Its been two months since we recorded the Carls Chair project in Cumnock, and in that time we've split the wav files, listened to the tracks and started separating them out into the ones we think should be mixed.
With the G Man back from O/S, its time to start the cleaning and tweaking. Now that i know better, I'm not going to put a time line on when we can expect to have this next album out, but to be sure, I'll post about it as we do it.
Of course, there's always the artwork to do, so as per usual, we'll try out a few different designs before settling on a final one, and as per usual, dear reader, you are our guinea pigs for testing :-) Thats what the comments button is for!
# Carls Chair Draft Cover V1 - Not sure about the lettering hmmm...
Got a beard? On the Lam? Feeling Rebellious? Want to stick it to the Man?
We're looking for someone to play Ned Kelly in our videoclip for our song 'Last Drinks at Glenrowan'. If you or someone you know could be our Ned, drop us a line (or a rope) and you could win a free ticket to one of our gigs.
Ok, so most of our gigs are free entry, but thats not the point. We'll print up a special ticket for you!
And also maybe buy you a drink.
All right a drink and a copy of our album. Right. Thats where my promotions budget runs out.
Hurrah for the home team! Hurrah for Theo's surgery, which has gone to plan and both arms are still attached!
Reports from the Percussion Health Care department are that Theo has a new Rack Mount, but its not for drums.
Just as fortunate for us, we're pleased to welcome Tony Boyd as Official Deputy Drummer during Theo's convalescence.
Mind you, as Tony's only on loan from Mal Eastick (and as Mals drummer, Mal gets first dibs!), it may take more than one Deputy to fill in for our recovering Sherriff.
I can personally say that Tony has the most tastefully decorated drum kit I have ever seen.
I can also attest to the fact that Mal Eastick has terrific taste in drummers, as Theo was previously, yep, you guessed it, Mal Easticks drummer.
Howdy Folks. the gig report got delayed by circumstance. Yikes are we busy.
A shout out to Body, Jackie, Lynn and friends, Don, Sambo, Leanne and the usual gang of regulars at the Pendle Hill Inn on Saturday. With Theo back from Holland, we were back to full strength.
Alas, Theo has to go get his shoulder fixed this week which means we're busy rehearsing up a deputy drummer to give Theo's shoulder a chance to heal. All the boys are sending Get Well Soon thoughts to Theo!
Hello my boys, it's Roger here again. Shame about you boys changing my password, but I hired a nice Ivan who broke in for me so I's could keep helping ya.
Now don't thank me, but I got a mate at the Pendo to do a quick advertisement for the new album, I'm sure you'll love it. Sorry boys but I had to used your credit card to book TV for it all over the place, and I settled a few of my bills with it, knowing you;d want to say thankyou proper.