Big Cheers now that Carl's Back in town. After 3 months of swanning around Europe with a twin-set (ask Carl) he's ditched the French Riviera so he can come haul amps to Windsor. And face it, who wouldn't prefer Windsor to the South of France? Hmm?
Lats nights rehearsal also saw The Return Of The Sheriff as Theo resumed his rightful place behind the drum kit. Yay! So we're back to the full complement of lunatics and on deck at the Macquarie Arms in Windsor on Sunday 14th at 1pm.
Read more: Carl's Back, Theo's on Deck, all systems back to nomral!
Ms Jo is ready for her close up'm wrong...she's telling me to buzz off so she can finish her singing...
Howdy Folks and to all our Cumnock Readers. We had the pleasure of hosting Ms Jo for a harmony session at Goose tonight and what a grand, thunderous, rain soaked, electrified night it was. Typical stormcellar weather, hail, lightning, the usual. Read on for some vids from tonights session as the gorgeous Ms F did her thing.
Dropped by Goose on Saturday to catch Rosie doing his tweaks and solo stuff. I was worried that I'd find him on his lonesome, but I found all the lads ensconced with Mr Pete. Turns out you can keep these guys out of the studio.
Here's some of what they were up to.