Now that we've released Nuevo Retro, we're bored. BORED!!! We want more recordings!!! And thus we gear up for SC4...which means, yes, you guessed it, Here Beginneth-eth the Bloggeth...for SC4
What We're Doing This Time
We're looking to record in 5.1 surround on a porch at a house in country NSW.
We're looking for a wooden porch because we're hoping to get some resonance from the structure as we're recording acoustic stuff. If you've heard the Mangrove Mountain recording of Sweet Misery (on Spacejunk), you'll know why we want to get the rocks.
Talofa! Clement at the In The Loop program heard Island Time and wants to know why a roots band from Sydney is writing about Samoa! This could take some explaining! Hey to all you Coconuts out there! (you know who you are). I'm trying not to freak out about doing an interview. Malo.
Should be sometime around 2 - here's the link to their stream. Afterwards I'll post a link to the podcast.