Some nights you manage to find that sweet spot in the music and luckily for us, last night was one of those nights. Here's Prune dancing while Paul goes berserk during the song "Over Yonder' (we haven't recorded it yet...)
Hello my boys. The Screws in the license plate divison are right friendly here and let me use the computer for a tick. I read youse have rreleased the new album and I'm right produ of you my lads.
I was talking to this very hepful finance bloke here called Abramov or sumthink and he warned me how ya carnt be too careful with your legal what nots, so I took the libetry of making a quick adjustment to your CD before you released it and added a thing they call an End Usler License so when people open it, hey presto, you gets them to agree to the whole shabang. You'' thank me one day my lads.
I'm only a parole hearing away from being your manager once more my boys, and then the world is our cloister. Beside which< i got the goods of that old bloke what heads the parole board, i got pictures to prove i, suspenders and and all, so I should be right as reign shortly.
Sooo ... I do spend some time on the interweb ... readin', writin', rhythmin' ... findin' ... discardin' ... and then sometimes someone points you to something you'd never have found on your own ... with thanks to me mate Matt, here it is ... The Blues Maker:
Howdy Folks. Back from a long drive to Wagga for a weekend gig.
The weekend trip started with a bang. Actually, more like a wet squish, when we had a Leaky Coolant Hose moment at the outset, necessitating a swift change of cars.
On the way, it was typical stormcellar weather.
So sit back and enjoy a few snapshots of the weather between here and Wagga on this Easter weekend. Ah how relaxing. Oh yeah, plus some stuff about a gig. That kind of thing.
Read more: The Skies To Wagga - weekend gig report