NOTE: Right Click and Save AS to keep the file, otherwise, click on it and it should bring up for your player
For our mates at firesupportbase, here's a link to download the Pre Mix version of Roscoes Boogie.
We're redoing the mix and the guitar and the final may or may not have the effects on it, just dont know yet, but thats our problem for later :-)
We played this to Roscoe (who's just got out) at the Lansdowne Hotel in Broadway, a few weeks ago. He extends his best wishes to those of you still in country.
It might be cold comfort to get thanks from downtown sydney, wherever you're reading this, but know that we honour your service.
As Roscoe says, stay frosty. As FSB says, watch your six. As we say, come to a gig and we'll shout ya a beer. Just not bloody VB.
Kicking off this weekend, we're recording the second album, tentatively dont have a title yet so its just known as 'the second album' - ah! But it does have a catalogue ID!!!
Read more: Stormcellar Recording Second Album - Report 1
UPDATE: Roscoes Boogie is available as a free download for all service personnel at Join up, sign up and Seasons Greetings.!
We're releasing the pre mix version of Roscoe's Boogie this week on It will probably be different to the final album version . Mrose has been developing the solo over the last bunch of gigs and wants to swap the existing one.
We'll put up a copy here for our mates at Fire support base and post a link as soon as we've got one.
Just a quick note - the comment function still works but its now for registered users and doesnt auto submit the comments. I'll look at changing it back to as open and anonymous as possible as soon as I can figure out what SPAM prevention steps I can take.
Paul pointed out that his slide guitar tips page was festooned with World Of Warcraft Gold Mining SPAM...
Not that I actually object to that...but on principle...(sigh)...