With work proceeding apace on Spacejunk and SC2 , it's time to start getting the visual components going. As we're hoping eventually to see Spacejunk as an analogue release, that means lots more space for cover art. SC2? I'm only at first draft stage...
Here's what we got so far for Spacejunk cover concepts. Thanks to NOAA and Nasa for being public domain! This Is Spacejunk Cover Concept 1 - Hmmm....a tad cheesy
Read more: Spacejunk Cover Art Samples
Mastering the tracks from our first session at Goose, otherwise known as Mission SC3-EP1-TLF! Read on for more! (EDIT 12/3/09 - Youtube deleted this vid for unknown reasons so I am re-adding it here...)
Read more: Mastering Spacejunk - Anomalies in sound!
A big Howdy to all the Joomla Bear's stopping by on account of BigBear putting a link into his newsletter. We're using the Transparent Bliss template and as you can see, its pretty nifty.
Read more: A Shout out to All the Joomlabears!
INCLUDING: OMG!!! First Sample track from "Spacejunk' EP is also up there, a full length, overblown indulgent guitar noodling take of Sweet Misery, recorded live to 8 track analogue tape at Mangrove Mountain on Jan 31st 2009!!!