Howdy Folks.
I was having a chat with a Muso mate last weekend and he put forward a premise that I hear a lot at the moment, namely : "People don't go out to see live music anymore".
Now regular 'cellar dwellers know that we are into Epistemology, Information Management and Meta-cognition in this band.
We like Thought Experiments and Physics and fractal crap and all sorts of Speccy Nerd Git stuff. Ok that's just me but what the hey.
NNT - My Informational Processing Hero
Right, so here's the Thought Experiment that I used to reply to my Muso colleague as to why people do or don't go to your gig/show/event/wedding shower.
I'm going to ask a series of questions and I want you to answer as fast as you can without thinking too hard about it.
There's no prize other than maybe understanding the concept as I am trying to put it.
Q1: I want you to meet me on the steps of the Town Hall, in the city that you live in, on Friday Night at 8:30. I will pay you to be there for 10 minutes. How much will you charge me?
Q2: Same question, but now I'm going to change the circumstance. It's the same night as the night you had planned to empty the garage out and clean up a back room /do some annoying household chore. How much do you charge me to change your plans and to meet me on the steps of the Town Hall, in the city that you live in, on Friday Night at 8:30?
Q3. Same again, except this time, it's your Spouses Birthday/Child's Birthday/Significant Family Event that you will have to cancel. How much do you charge me to to meet me on the steps of the Town Hall, in the city that you live in, on Friday Night at 8:30
Analysis and Conjecture:
OK Ready?
When I ask people this question directly, many of them look at me and say, 'Hey Michael, for you I'd do it because you asked'. Now that's nice and I'm glad you like me but this doesn't help my experiment, other than maybe showing how important Social Dynamics are.
So assuming this isn't a request from a mate, but a straight up job, the following are responses from my Test Subjects, in Australian Money, at (at .7 to the USD for our mates in the states)
A: if I'm not busy
RANGE: free-$100
A2: If I have something not too hard to move on
RANGE: $50-$200
A3: If I have to move something at significant Social Cost
RANGE: $300 - NO
So what does this mean?
It means that to a busy person, with an active life, they have to perceive that the benefit they get from going to your show is the psychological equivalent of getting $300.
That's right, your fans feel like spending time with you and your music is the equivalent of getting the same happiness as a bunch of cash. Now add that to the cost of going out for the night and you will see that your fans ****ing LOVE you, that's why they come out.
When you talk to Muso's about why people don't come out, I hear talk about 'Punters' (the great unwashed) and how 'they' think, and I hear these conjectures:
- We're busy
- We can't drink and drive
- We can't stay up too late/work/kids/family/commitments
- there are so many other things to do, gaming, Facebook, TV, Sports, etc.
- its not the same as it used to be (true)
- music isn't good any more (HA!)
Yogi Bera once said 'if people don't wan't to go to the ball park, no one's going to stop them'
No not that Yogi Bera
This one:
All this may be true, I'd chuck in 'they can't form a relationship with you if they don't hear your music', but that's a whole other discussion....
But I put to you, Dear Reader, that people Do What They Want To Do, and if they don't come out, it's for a myriad reasons, but if they do come out, it's because they love you.
Love them back!