My mate Adrian used to live across the road from the Marlborough. Adrian was the kind of guy who, when he gave you a nick name, it stuck. I send a shout out to Vertical, case in point.
Anyway, he used to call the Marlborough, 'The fridge'.
'Oh really', I hear you ask. 'why was that'
'That's where I keep me beer'
(boom ching, thankyou, we're here all week doing examples of laconic Aussie humour)
Anyway, after the anecdote, I'm playing Harp with a gal with a knock out voice. No hang on.
Ms Alex Hahn, a gal with a knock out voice, is playing tomorrow night (thursday) at the Marlborough, and she's invited me to join them.
Free, from 7:30, rockabill/blues and other stuff - she did a rockabilly version of tainted love that was sweeeet.
My first gig at the Fridge. Adrian will be stoked.