Stormcellar at Lazybones Lounge, Saturday 1st November with special guest Trude Aspeling
Saturday night we'll be at Lazybones with special guest Trude Aspeling.
I think it's free before 8, then there a nominal cover charge.
Saturday night we'll be at Lazybones with special guest Trude Aspeling.
I think it's free before 8, then there a nominal cover charge.
UPDATE - I had the healdine wrong, not the 26th, Sunday 2nd. oops.
Visit for tickets $35 members, $45 non members
Parking is available at Sun Parking Westpac Place Kent Street, 275 Kent Street, Sydney, (between Margaret and Erskine Sts) for a flat rate of $18 on Sundays. The car park opens at 6am and closes at 1am. If you are driving south it can be accessed from Sussex Street and if you are driving north it can be accessed from Kent Street.
The wharf is also a short walk from Wynyard Train Station and Bus Stops along George Street and York Street.
Please ensure you are at the wharf by 11.30am, for boarding at 11.45am.
This was one of my favourite moments from the trip. I filmed for a bit then abandoned it, picked up my harps and jumped up so theres no footage after that bit :-) . What the heck. Enjoy what I got of it, including KC Kelseys blistering action. MMM GOOD.
BTW the characters in the intro have taken on a life of their own. Oh well.
As I post this, I am on skype listening to Lazy Lester, Live, via phone, via skype, at a live house concert party somewhere in KC. D-Dawg has put his phone up so I can hear it. There, but for a few miliseconds lag (damn you speed of light!), I am both here in Oz and in Kansas.
15 minutes of footage this time. I have been editing for weeks.
Ok days.
All right, at leat a couple'a hours. Sheesh don't be so picky.
BTW I have been relishing these performances, watching them again.
On the day I took a moment to lie back in the grass whilst the boys played, sounding just so much like an old '78 record. What an experience.
Few pics then muchly good music video. You'll need a cold one and then sit a spell.
Next Ep:
- Ron Teamer
- KC Kelsey Hill
- DC Bellamy
This arvo we're supporting the 9th Annual Cruelty Free Festival from 4:15 for a quick set. $5 gets you in. At the Australian Technology Park, close Redfern station.
Long video (7 min), short blog.
Day 18 or something like that - Woodcox - Danny Cox's Lawn, K.C, KS
Last year we got rained out just as the KC All Stars started playing. This year, we'd already used up our quotient of bad weather.
There are too many Sci Fi fans in this band. Face it. we're nerdelicious.
Nice plug for Drum city there Theo :-)
Ave! Danny Cox; we come in peace!
I've heard of Sun tea, now I've heard of Shade Tea
The stadium had been renovated since our last appearance. Roof!
Danny was raising goods for 'Harvesters'.
Locally, our equivalent is OZharvest - taking food that would otherwise go to waste and using to help people.
Danny's kind of a big deal on supporting charity stuff. I know that's utterly mangled english but so 'web moderne', yes? anyway.
I was videoing a lot, so when better to photobomb? Outstanding!
Yay I'm finally up to the video from the lawn party. I have a bunch more performance stuff from the day, yet to come.
Music starts around 2min in, Danny spontaneously decided to get in on the action.
To Come
- The Millage People
- KC Kelsey brought his holster, but he didn't bring his gun (love that line)
- DC Bellamy
- Us 'Cellar Fellers
- Random Stuff!