I'm waiting for Telstra to turn up and fix my cable so I have a good amount of time to blog today :-) So sit back, get a coffee/tea/equivalent and unwind with some pics, observations and then a great clip with Bill Lupkin blowing a waling harp. or skip it all an go straight to the vid. Or whatever.. YOU HAV THE POWAH!
Appromixately Day 7 or so. Around there. Good enough.
By this stage we'd done a few gigs, including Leombruni's Italian village.
Becky and Dee had invited us to relax for a few days by the rock river, which we did. Had done. I think I may have covered this bit in the last blog.
Here's some pretty pics.
Mr Wizard has said that any day you get a song is a good day and we got several at rock river, at the Blackhawks Trail Lodge, in the care of Becky and Dee. Thank you guys. Now I know Becky would cuff me for being all sentimental and such so I'll just leave it here. And here www.blackhawkstraillodge.com. Just don't expect to find rooms available when we happen to be in Byron, IL.
Day Next Probably 8
Last trip I had an itinerary, all nicely printed. Headings, colours. Accurate tab margins. A thing of beauty.
After 1 overseas tour with a band I have pretty much stopped worrying about uniform font sizes. So yes it was the next bit.
A Mexican Fish with Mo
A walk down the streets of Joliet
Somehow this signage strikes me as appropriate.
and then on to Fort Wayne for a gig at The Phoenix
Indiana Bound
YOUR AD HERE (seriously, call me up, I know I guy)
Road Food - Where 'Murrica Eats
Roscoe and Bill doing their best reservoir Dogs walk into the Waffle House. You should try it said Roscoe. it's where 'Murrica eats. We did too.
Road Observations
Differences in Simple things, such as how long and straight the roads are. Cities laid out on grids.
Tall water towers. Cornfields. Even a different tint to the sky, a different rate of descent into darkness at the end of each day.
Too much time on the road, staring out the window, looking at the cloud formations.
Or, In Theo's Case, Cursing out the GPS
'Dit verdomde GPS is !@#$%^& dom , het is volledig verloren , !@#$%^& stuk stront'
Furniture Shopping.
Now to be fair, my little GPS was helpful. To a point.
I am afraid that the clover leaf off ramps confused it and us, and we found ourselves constantly having to backtrack. Until it occurred to us that each time we went off course we wound up turning around at a...Furniture store.
Yep. Our TomTom GPS must be expecting, or getting married, or in the pay of the Lumber Cartel because we sure did spend a lot more time turning that big ass van around in the car parks of Mattress, Bedding, Furniture and Electrical Super Centres than we expected to ...hmm...or did it know where we were staying next....
Bridal Parties
Maybe the GPS thought we had some present shopping to do.
Ok so I'll admit one of the trick I use on tour is trawling the cheap accommodation websites for deals. Yeah it works great sometimes, sometimes it's a bit....curious.
In this case, we wound up a a swanky downtown Indianapolis hotel filled with wedding parties. We must have counted at least 5 groups of brides and bridesmaids, like a cockatoo in white surrounded by a flock of brightly colored bridesmaids, swarming and schooling around landmarks looking for a photo op.
The lobby overflowed with people in ball gowns, tuxes, Hawaiian shirts, a soccer team, a concierge with a grin as big as fence palings and a twinkle in his eye that seemed to say I can get you anything. anything.
Nice view but the establishment specialised in fleecing you in teeny tiny cuts to your wallet; WIFI only and extra $7, a $20 bottle of water on your room table (oops). Valet parking for your oversized van.
Nice view.
Foreign Powers
This is how we power up on tour.
Now it;s just dawned on me I skipped our night in Fort Wayne.
That's ok though cos the video covers it.
Go watch the vid because I think my technician is here. More soon.
Next Episode
- Whatever I left out about Ft Wayne
- Dickey James and The Blue Flames on fire
- Probably some stuff about that toothless dude in Terre Haute