I better get on with this blog thing cos I see Rosie's blog has already skipped chronologically ahead (sigh).
Oh well.
Day 12 or so - Garlic Sorbet
When we last left our heroes they were debating the merits of Steak-n-Shake at 2am, followed by a return to the Wedding venue (see prev blog). Late night Indy was still jumping but we had an early start the following morni...no wait a minute...a few hours later we were due in the van.
Bye Indy.
Once again my T-mobile reception was dropping in and out. The weather had turned (AGAIN) and we were off to an out door festival.
Fortunately the Travelling Mac had hooked us up with some Strawberry wine. Just in case.
We arrived at the Garlic Festvial several hours ahead of schedule and had a chance to look around.
Bloomington is pretty crafty. Reminded me a bit of Balmain.
I stopped to support some local artisans by buying something small and transportable :-)
Dave gave us our mission - make enough noise to attract visitors from a rival festival up the road. We were willing to oblige.
Meanwhile, as we set up and sound checked, Roscoe was ever vigilant in his defense of the homeland.
Our patron saint of Indiana, Travellin Mac and Susie drove down to see us again. Bless you both.
This chap came over as we started to play and stuck around. I want to caption this pic - Stormcellar: winning the audience over, one at a time.
Little did I know but that our gig would drive back the clouds, bring people out and open up a little ray of sunshine in Bloomington that afternoon.
We were truly blessed by the care and love the Bloomington-ites showered us with. Besides which, how Aussie is a Sausage Sizzle? You know it makes sense for us to be there.
Here's some vid from the day.
Coming Up in the next instalment
Know your State Nicknames!